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Philips RGS Modern School Atlas (A4 Hardback)

Online Catalogue | World Atlases |  Philips RGS Modern School Atlas (A4 Hardback)

Philips RGS Modern School Atlas (A4 Hardback)

Price: £12.99

Britain's best-selling school atlas recommended for Key Stage 4, GCSE and A-Level in England and Wales (Scottish National Qualifications/Highers) and international schools. Fully updated to reflect the latest changes in the curriculum, and published in association witht he Royal Geographical Society, combining superb digital maps of Britain and the world with up-to-date thematic maps.
Atlas size 30x23x17cm.

Main features include:
• Country-by-country statistics on population, land use, trade tourism, energym wealth and much more
• World Themes Section - from volcanoes and earthquakes to population trends, languages and religions, all the key aspects and statistics of geography are explored and explained.
• Special section on how satellite imagery is used to interpret gloval, environmental and urban patterns of change
• Index with letter-figure grid references as well as latitude and longitude co-ordinates.

Note: This title is not ordinarily in stock, but we can supply on request or receipt of order.

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Online Catalogue | World Atlases |  Philips RGS Modern School Atlas (A4 Hardback)

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